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Practicing Dentistry During A Pandemic

There is no question that how we practice dentistry has changed (as it should) to adapt to the times. Much like airline travel, the safety and health information can sound rather tedious and boring compared to the final destination, whether it happens to be bottomless umbrella drinks on the beach or a nice, shiny white […]
baby in a jumpy toy nibbling on a teething toy

Is Your Baby “Just Teething”

Hi, Tooth Fans! I hope you’re all doing okay and staying safe in this crazy time of quarantine! People are starting to go a little stir crazy. In fact, some of you may have never read our blog before, but since you’re stuck at home with nothing better to do, why not? While there are many […]
silly baby face with photoshopped dentures

Baby Dentistry – Part Two

When I was on maternity leave I was busy taking care of my baby. I wasn’t seeing patients at the office and I wasn’t taking calls on the weekends, but I was still a dentist. There are some things you just can’t shut off (sometimes no matter how hard you try). While the majority of my […]
woman in a pink shirt holding a notebook that has a quote printed on it

Resolutions & Decisions

Happy New Year, Tooth Fans! My favorite part of the new year is how you can start everything over from scratch, symbolically at least. You get brand new calendars and make resolutions on how this year will be different from the one before. And while time is really an artificial construct and 12:00 am January 1, […]
baby riddle as super mario

Baby Dentistry – Part One

Greetings Tooth Fans! It’s Dr. Lake here, writing to you from the joyous (sometimes frustrating) land of maternity leave. I’m fortunate enough to be able to take a good amount of time to bond with my little one. (Read: Dr. Drews is a saint for running a 2-doctor practice on his own for 10 weeks.) But naturally, I […]
man awkwardly using his pinkie finger to pick food out of his teeth

The Importance of Flossing & Flossing Alternatives

Happy National Flossing Day! What? You didn’t know there was a national flossing day? Well, evidently there is. It turns out it was first celebrated in 2000 and is always celebrated on black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. What better day to celebrate flossing than after a day of national eating! So be sure to […]
photo of a prescription pill bottle tipped over with pills falling out

A Note About Opioids

  • Drews Dental
Opioids are narcotic pain relievers that require a prescription from a medical professional. When taken as prescribed for short periods of time under the care of a medical professional, opioids can be a safe and effective pain management tool. Unfortunately, opioid abuse is a growing and dangerous problem in America. Here at Drews Dental Services […]
woman holding a photo of a smile over her face

Are You Smiling Enough?

  • Peter Drews, D.D.S., M.A.G.D.
A smile (and teeth) are often one of the first things we notice when we meet someone for the first time. After all, they are part of the most prominent facial features just staring us in the face. In fact, a famous scientist (Doctor of Biological Sciences) named Yarbus (Al’fred Luk’yanovich Yarbus, most famous for […]
xray machine at Drews Dental Services

X-Rayted Conversation

Hello Tooth Fans! A very pregnant Dr. Kristie Lake here. 9 months in fact. I’m due in September, but he’s welcome to come any time because I am seriously in need of regaining my inner personal space. You wouldn’t believe how hard it is to sleep with a foot lodged in your rib cage! I’m […]