Preventive Dentistry

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We believe in the power of preventive dentistry to safeguard your smile and overall oral health. Preventive dental care isn’t just a routine; it’s a collaborative effort between you and our dedicated team of dentists and hygienists. Together, we work towards a common goal: preserving your teeth, gums, and underlying bone structure to prevent the need for costly and painful dental interventions in the future.

We prioritize early detection and intervention through a comprehensive approach. Our commitment extends beyond mere treatment; it encompasses diagnosis, prevention, and patient education. We utilize state-of-the-art digital x-rays, adhering to strict radiographic protocols set forth by the American Dental Association (A.D.A), enabling us to identify and address potential issues both above the gum line and subgingivally.

preventive dentistry oral health aids

Through regular screenings and assessments, we aim to intercept dental problems before they escalate, ensuring your smile remains radiant and healthy for years to come.

Our preventive dentistry services encompass a range of proactive measures tailored to your specific needs. From routine dental cleanings to specialized treatments, we provide comprehensive care to protect your smile from decay, disease, and damage. Join us in our commitment to proactive oral health care, and let’s embark on a journey towards a lifetime of confident smiles and optimal dental wellness.

Here are the most common preventive dental services we offer:

Dental Cleaning

A routine, preventive dental cleaning, also called a “prophylaxis,” is completed bi-annually by an Associate’s or Bachelor’s level Registered Dental Hygienist (R.D.H.). Digital ‘bite-wing’ x-rays are taken

Scaling & Root Planing

Many times, when periodontal disease is diagnosed, it can be effectively treated with non-surgical therapy. Treatment usually consists of placing a small ultrasonic tip between the tooth and gum to remove plaque and tartar deposits…

Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride varnish treatments are proven to prevent tooth decay. It is 100 parts per million which is a much higher concentration than both toothpaste or mouth rinse and therefore helps to repair teeth that are…


Highly effective in preventing decay on the biting surfaces of your chewing teeth, sealants are a simple procedure in which a tooth-colored acrylic “coating” is painted onto the surface of the tooth. Fluoride varnish treatments…

Bruxism Splints & Athletic Guards

Bruxing is the dental term for grinding, and grinding your teeth actually exerts powerful forces not only on your teeth but also to the surrounding

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